Thomas Morse 1789-1855 - my Great Great Grandfather

I have translated this from a substandard photocopy of the original will.


This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Morse of Whitecroft in the Township of West Dean and County of Gloucester wherein I dispose of my worldly Estate and effects in the following manner and form.


I give Devise and Bequeath all my Real and Personal Estate unto my beloved Wife Ann Morse during her life or Widowhood and at her second Marriage or Decease I give and Devise unto My Daughter Mary Wife of John Dobbs and I do hereby give her full Power to Will Devise and Bequeath the same one Equal half Part of A Certain Close or piece of arable Land situate in Breams Eaves in the Township of West Dean aforesaid containing about 3 Quarters of an Acre be the same more or less in my own occupation with A newly built House and appurtenances thereunto belonging such half part to be that which shall be on the south side adjoining the said House in her occupation.


 I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Morse the other half part of the aforesaid Close or parcel of land with A newly built House thereon in the occupation of James Harris and appurtenances thereunto belonging and if my two said daughters do not agree to build A Wall at their Joint expense then I direct my Daughter Elizabeth to make A Hedge the stake but of which shall be the Division of the Land but one yard from the stake but shall be allowed her on the south side for A Ditch and I do hereby give her full power to Will Devise and bequeath the same, the two Houses and appurtenances and equal half parts of land to be possessed and enjoyed by my two said Daughters and their heirs or assigned forever.


 I also give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth my best Bed Bedstead Bedlinen and furniture thereunto belonging to be received by her at the Death of my Wife also my Chest of Drawers I Give and Devise unto my son Thomas Morse all my Reversionary Interest in a Certain Grist Mill now owned and occupied by my Brother Wm Morse situated at Whitecroft aforesaid and to his heirs and assigned forever.


 I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my son William Morse all my Dwelling House in which I now live also my House adjoining in the occupation of my son Thomas Cider Mill outhouses and appurtenances thereunto belonging gardens orchard and Meadow land in my own occupation situate at Whitecroft aforesaid also all goods and Chattels to him and his Heirs and assigned forever at the Decease or Marriage of my Wife except what Chattels is before Bequeathed to my Daughter Elizabeth I also hereby Will and Direct that in the event of my Wife's Death before my Brother Williams my son Thomas to hold occupy and enjoy my Dwelling House and Garden which he now Rent of me free of all Rent until he becomes possessed of his Property in the Mill aforesaid at which time he shall yield and give up all peaceable possession to my son William.


Lastly I appoint my said sons Thomas and William Morse Joint Executors to this my Last Will and Testament hereby Revoking and Dis-annulling all former Will or Wills by me heretofore made in witness whereas I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of April one Thousand eight Hundred and Fifty four.


(Signed) Thomas Morse


Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Testator Thomas Morse as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses

William Wood

George Hammonds.

18th August 1855

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